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Lederhosen WoIfi

Our lederhosen are made from particularly high-quality deerskin and are tanned in Eferding.

The lederhosen Woifi: traditional, stylish and just awesome!

This model is the leather pants model style medium. The blue "Kitzbühel" embroidery pattern makes the Woifi leather trousers look modern and traditional at the same time. The stag horn buttons perfectly match the style of the trousers. The leather pants Woifi also have practical belt loops so that the pants stay in place with a belt. At the back you will find spacious trouser pockets for all your souvenirs.

And for those who have an eye for detail: There are buttons on the sides of the legs that give the Woifi leather pants a simple touch. In order to make the whole thing a bit more personal, there is the possibility to immortalize your initials on your perfect leather pants - a real one-of-a-kind!

Details on Lederhose Woifi:

Price: € 1480,80
Model: Style 
Color: medium

Belt loop: yes
Back pockets: yes
Button style: deer horn
Leg ornament: leather ribbons
Embroidery pattern: "Kitzbühel" in blue
Special feature: individual initials on the knife case





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